5 Ways to 'Heal the Hurt' of a Heavy Workout

While it’s great to ‘go hard’ in your exercise routine, it’s not as much fun to be so stiff and sore the next day that you can hardly get out of bed.
         Some athletes and fitness fanatics actually enjoy the ‘pain’ - knowing it means they are getting fitter, harder, stronger - but is it really a case of ‘no pain, no gain’? And is there anything you can do to minimize or prevent post workout muscle soreness?

        First let’s begin with the jargon – this type of pain is called 'Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness', or ‘DOMS’. The pain usually peaks within 24-72 hours following a strenuous workout or following the relatively strenuous use of muscles in a new manner.

        DOMS is believed to be the result of microscopic tearing of muscle fibres. The amount of tearing (and soreness) depends on how hard and how long you exercise and what type of exercise you do.
Although it can be alarming for new exercisers, generally speaking, these tears are a good thing. DOMS is a normal adaptation process that leads to greater stamina and strength as the muscles recover and grow.

      Any movement you aren't used to can lead to DOMS, but eccentric muscle contractions (movements that cause muscle to forcefully contract while it lengthens) are the biggest culprit.  Examples of eccentric muscle contractions include going down stairs, running downhill, lowering weights and the downward motion of squats and push-ups.

        In addition to small muscle tears there can be associated swelling in a muscle which can contribute to the pain. While many believe that DOMS is just a part of the training process, there are a number of things that can help prevent or minimise the pain.

1) Ginger


Ginger root has been used for centuries as a folk remedy for a variety of ailments such as colds and upset stomachs. Recently researchers at the University of Georgia found that daily consumption of ginger can reduce muscle pain caused by exercise.
While ginger had been shown to exert anti-inflammatory effects in rodents, its effect on experimentally-induced human muscle pain has been largely unexplored, said Patrick O'Connor, a professor in the College of Education's department of kinesiology.
The study, published in the Journal of Pain, found that daily ginger supplementation reduced exercise-induced pain by 25 percent. 

2 Caffeine

Coffee_LoverIn another study published in the Journal of Pain, a team of researchers found that moderate doses of caffeine, roughly equivalent to two cups of coffee, can cut post-workout muscle pain by up to 48 percent.
Those that consumed caffeine one-hour before a maximum force test had a 48 percent reduction in pain.
O'Connor, who along with professors Kevin McCully and the late Gary Dudley co-authored the study, explained that caffeine likely works by blocking the body's receptors for adenosine, a chemical released in response to inflammation.
O’Connor said that caffeine appears to be more effective in relieving post-workout muscle pain than several commonly used drugs.
Previous studies have found that the pain reliever naproxen (the active ingredient in Aleve) produced a 30 percent reduction in soreness. Aspirin produced a 25 percent reduction, and ibuprofen has produced inconsistent results. 

3) Tart Cherries

Tart_cherriesResearch published in the American College of Medicine's journal Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise found that tart cherries may play a role in reducing muscle damage caused by exercise and help athletes recover more quickly after vigorous workouts. 
Researchers credit the benefits to anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compounds in the cherries, called anthocyanins, that give the fruit its bright red colour.
Besides muscle-recovery, research also indicates that cherries may affect inflammation associated with heart disease and arthritis. 

4) Water Based Plyometrics

Water-PlyomtericsTry doing your leg workout in a pool. Ohio State University researchers found that doing plyometric exercise in a  pool significantly reduced muscle soreness two to three days after a workout. "The participants who did the exercises in water had the same gains in muscle strength as the group that did the workout in a gym, but the gym-based group reported significantly more soreness in their hamstrings, quadriceps and calf muscles" study authour Devor said.
The study was published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Other research suggests that aquatic plyometric programs provide a less stressful alternative to land-based programs and may help reintroduce atheletes to training following an injury.

5) Green Tea

green-tea-cupAll teas contain polyphenols which have an anti-inflammatory effect; yet the most powerful one, epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), is found only in green tea. The general recommended intake of polyphenols for an anti-inflammatory response lies at approximately five cups of green tea a day.
Researchers from Baylor University (Waco, Texas) found that subjects taking green tea extract for two weeks had significantly less muscle pain for three days after a strenuous negative rep workout.
Try a supplement of 500mg of green tea extract in the morning and about 30-60 minutes before workouts.

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20 Amazing Facts About Happiness

1) Although genes and upbringing influence about 50% of the variation in our personal happiness, our circumstances (income and environment) affect only about 10 percent. The remaining 40% is accounted for by our outlook and activities, including our relationships, friendships and jobs, our engagement in the community and our involvement in sports and hobbies.

2) A good mood has a distinct smell. Scientists have found that people can judge whether someone is in a positive mood from their body odour alone. In one experiment men and women were shown scary films while their armpit odour was collected on gauze pads. A week later researchers asked strangers to decide which pads came from people in a good mood and which came from frightened people. They were able to do this with surprising accuracy.

3) Older people are more satisfied with there lives than younger people: a recent survey by the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention found that people aged 20-24 are sad for an average of 3.4 days per month as opposed to just 2.3 days for people aged 65-74

4) If you do 20 minutes of exercise, three days per week for six months, your general feeling of happiness will improve by 10-20%.

5) People who rate in the upper reaches of happiness on psychological tests develop about 50% more antibodies than average in response to flu vaccines.

6) According to researchers at The World Database of Happiness at Erasmus University in Holland, Denmark is officially the happiest nation in the world, followed closely by Malta, Switzerland, Iceland, Ireland and Canada.

7) In the USA clinical depression is 3-10 times more common today than two generations ago.

8) Immigrants tend to acquire the happiness characteristics of the nation to which they move, not the nation from which they were born.

9) Richer workers tend to be happier than poorer colleagues, but research suggests that happy people tend to have greater potential to become rich, so it's a chicken or egg scenario

10) People who suffer strokes or other debilitating diseases suffer tremendously in the short term but after a while their happiness is only slightly below the average of the population.
11) When people get married their happiness peaks, but after a while their happiness returns to the level it was before they got married.

12) Women tend to experience their all-time lowest life satisfaction at age 37, whereas men typically experience this at 42

13) Having 100-200 belly laughs a day is the equivalent of a high impact workout, burning off up to 500 calories.

14) Gold doesn't guarantee happiness. Studies of Olympic athletes found that bronze medal winners are happier than silver medal winners and sometimes happier than gold medallists. According to the Australian teams psychologist , Graham Winters, it feels better to come third when you are not expecting it than to be pipped for first.

15) The late pioneering social psychologist Professor Michael Argyle, who conducted many happiness studies, showed that among the things that made people happy are sport, music and - most of all dancing. Encouraging sports facilities everywhere would greatly increase a nations happiness. Group dancing which, which combines, exercise, music, community, touch and rules, also drastically increases happiness.

16) Several studies have shown that a pet can reduce blood pressure and stress, promoting health and happiness.

17) After basic needs are met, extra material wealth has little or no effect on life satisfaction or happiness (broadly speaking you would need to receive a windfall of more than £1 million to transform you from an unhappy person to a happy person and even then the effect is often temporary).

18) People in steady relationships are generally happier than singles.
19) In nations with high levels of income equality, such as the Scandinavian countries, happiness tends to be higher than in nations with unequal wealth distribution, such as the USA. People tend to prefer more local autonomy and more direct democracy to increased income.

20) According to a new look at a 40 year old study on child rearing practices conducted at Harvard University, those children who were hugged and cuddled more grew up to be the happiest.

source : Family Health

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10 Practical steps to a more optimistic attitude

10 Practical steps to a more optimistic attitude
Learning to maintain a positive attitude during stressful times can be challenging. It may take some time before your natural response to almost any situation is optimistic. However, when you consider both the short term and long range benefits, your efforts are bound to pay big dividends. Let's consider 10 simple steps you can start using immediately to move you in a positive direction.

1) Practice Gratitude. A grateful mindset exerts a powerful influence on your outlook. Not only does it make you feel good in the moment, it also shifts your focus in a positive direction. Turn your attention toward your blessings and keep it there. As you focus more on what you are grateful for in your life (even the really small blessings!), you will worry less about anything that may be lacking. As a result, you will experience a more pervasive sense of happiness! See: Why Compassion Benefits the Immune System 

2) Embrace Happiness. Being happy is not about circumstances or any other outside force. Happiness is a decision we make. Why not make up your mind to embrace happiness, starting now? Go ahead and make a decision. Let your personal identity get all wrapped up in the concept of happiness. Fold it around yourself like a big comfortable blanket. See: 20 Amazing Facts About Happiness:

3) Replace Problems with Challenges. Subconsciously, the word problem says, 'Life is not as it should be' This causes our energy to be funneled toward repairing something that's gone wrong. On the other hand, the word challenge sends no such message. Instead of trying to repair a malfunction, our resources are recruited to search for a new opportunity. Seeing an experience as a challenge will focus our attention on a positive outcome.

4) Enjoy the Journey. A journey is an adventure of discovery. When we are on a journey we don't fear change, we welcome it. We look forward to new and unfamiliar experiences. On a journey we are full of optimism because we are filled with the expectation of a wonderful adventure. This is the perfect attitude to carry with you every day.
5) Take Time to Smell the Roses. When you constantly feel rushed and scattered, it can be difficult to maintain an optimistic outlook. Buying out regular opportunities to focus on simple pleasures can help restore a sense of balance to your life. By pausing briefly to really taste your food or enjoy a beautiful piece of music, you remind yourself of the joy of simplicity.

6) Start the Day On a Positive Note. Find a few minutes each morning to clear your mind and then think positive thoughts about the upcoming day. Focus on the people and events that bring you joy or a sense of satisfaction. What's your favorite part of the day going to be? Take some time to look forward to everything that you will enjoy. Now carry that feeling with you all day long, even during the less enjoyable activities. Let your optimism flow into your entire day.

7) Treasure Hunt. Make it a habit to actively search for the positive side of everything. Turn it into a private game. With practice, you will be surprised how easy it becomes to see the not so obvious benefits and pleasures all around you. Being alert to the reasons for optimism also helps move our attention away from the negative side of life.

8) Act Happy. You can use words and body language to program your nervous system. When you make a conscious effort to walk the walk and talk the talk, your feelings will soon follow. Our personal perspective takes a lot of clues from how we act. If you act like an optimistic person, your mind accepts that as your reality. Try it and see for yourself.

9) Keep Company With Positive People. Use the power of peer influence to feed your sense of optimism. The attitude of the people around us can be a powerful force for good or bad. Seek out the company of those with a sunny disposition and let yourself be influenced by their optimism. Use the group dynamic to your benefit.

10) Do A Nightly Gratitude Review. This is a great way to end your day. Before you go to bed think of at least ten things that you are truly grateful for. Let yourself feel the joy that those things bring to your life. Fall asleep reflecting on your blessings.
Practice These Things Daily for 30 Days
Print out this list and read it daily, it will help you stay on track. If you catch yourself sliding into a pessimistic head space, stop and review your list. All you need to do is stay the course for 30 days and these thing will become part of your nature. You will become one of those positive, optimistic people that share their sunny disposition with everyone around them.


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10 Antivirus Terbaik di Dunia Saat Ini 2011

Memilih antivirus terbaik, tentu bukan sekadar program untuk pencegah virus dan pengaman data semata. Anda perlu mendapatkan info sebanyak mungkin tentang antivirus yang akan menjadi pilihan Anda. Yang paling banyak fiturnya, yang ringan di kantung, yang kompatibel dengan komputer Anda dan yang pasti customer service yang tidak mengecewakan.

Di internet, banyak review yang diberikan tentang berbagai merk antivirus yang beredar di pasaran. Urutan ranking antivirus tersebut juga naik-turun. Namun perlu diketahui, urutan satu hingga sepuluh antivirus di bawah ini, bukanlah ranking, namun hanya sekedar nomor urut semata. Pilihan ada di tangan Anda. Semoga bermanfaat.

Antivirus-Antivirus Terbaik
BitDefender Antivirus 2011 Pro
BitDefender Antivirus 2011 Pro diproduksi yang oleh Softwin, memiliki fitur yang paling komprehensif, proteksinya mudah dirancang sesuai dengan keinginan dan benar-benar fleksibel. Dengan harga pasar $ 29.95, BitDefender sangat kompetitif di pasaran antivirus dunia.

Sementara ini BitDefender mempunyai konsumen terbesar di dunia dan banyak yang mereview-nya sebagai antivirus terbaik tahun ini. Meskipun demikian, BitDefender memiliki beberapa kekurangan, seperti penggunaan RAM dan kapasitas hardisk yang lumayan besar, meskipun relatif berbeda-beda pada tiap komputer dan sistem operasi.

Beberapa antivirus review menyebutkan bahwa BitDefender merupakan software antivirus yang seimbang, kuat, dan efektif.

Trend Micro Titanium Antivirus + 2011
Anda mungkin dulu mengenalnya dengan nama PC-Cillin dan diperoduksi oleh Trend Micro. Fitur unggulannya adalah keberadaan cloud security untuk perlindungan real time dan juga update real time. Meski demikian Trend Micro Titanium memiliki beberapa kelemahan, salah satunya di harga yang cenderung lebih mahal (sekitar $39.95), dan relatif lambat dalam proses scanning.

Norton Antivirus 2011
Symantec Corporation kembali merilis Norton Antivirus terbaru untuk 2011. Kelebihannya masih di fitur-fitur baru yang tidak Anda temukan dalam antivirus yang lain, seperti autofix technology yang memprediksi kerusakan dalam komputer dan memperbaikinya.

Meski demikian dengan harga $ 39.99 di pasaran, membuat Norton Antivirus layak disebut sebagai antivirus kelas menengah ke atas. Kelemahannya masih terletak pada bahasa pemrograman yang sering berbenturan dengan program lain yang telah terinstal di komputer Anda.

Panda Antivirus Pro 2011
Panda Antivirus memasukkan fitur baru berupa scan ultrafast yang lebih cepat 30% dari versi pendahulunya. Panda juga memberikan fitur eksklusif lainnya, yaitu Panda USB Vaccine yang melindungi PC Anda dan drive USB dari infeksi. Namun harga yang sangat tinggi, $ 50.95, membuat Panda sulit bersaing untuk merajai dunia antivirus.

ZoneAlarm Antivirus 2010
Tidak banyak situs yang mereview antivirus ini, salah satu sebabnya karena ZoneAlarm belum disertifikasi oleh tiga lembaga laboratorium pengujian independen, yaitu Virus Bulletin, Checkmark dan ICSA. ZoneAlarm kompatibel dengan Windows 7, meski banyak antivirus yang belum sesuai dengan sistem operasi tersebut.

ESET NOD32 Antivirus
ESET NOD32 Antivirus diproduksi oleh ESET. Antivirus ini merupakan versi keempat. ESET secara proaktif mendeteksi dan menonaktifkan berbagai virus, trojan, worm, adware, spyware, phishing, dan rootkit. ESET NOD32 juga memiliki pemindaian yang canggih serta kontrol akses untuk media-media portabel. Harganya $ 39.99.

Kaspersky Antivirus 2011
Kaspersky Anti-Virus melindungi komputer Anda terhadap ancaman yang tak dikenal dan tidak diketahui, serta data yang tidak diinginkan. Kaspersky memantau kegiatan sistem aplikasi oleh pengguna, sehingga mencegah tindakan berbahaya. Kaspersky meraih perak dalam menjaring konsumen di dunia antivirus, meski antivirus ini dibandrol dengan harga $ 59.95.

Avira AntiVir 2011
Kelebihan Avira terletak pada harga yang bersahabat dan perlindungan yang komprehensif. Dengan harga $ 26.95, Avira mantap dalam persaingan antivirus dunia. Meski demikian, salah satu fiturnya yaitu Advanced Heuristik Analisis and Detection (AHeAD) Technology terkadang overprotektif, dan menganggap beberapa program yang kita miliki sebagai malware serta dianggap berbahaya.

AVG Antivirus
Harganya $ 34.99. AVG Anti-Virus 2011 mempunyai dua kelebihan yaitu pada LinkScanner dan Social Networking Protection. Hampir sama dengan Avira, terkadang AVG sangat overprotektif terhadap program yang tidak mereka kenal, dan dianggap sebagai virus atau malware. AVG tetap menjadi pilihan yang baik untuk mendapatkan antivirus, namun bukanlah yang terbaik yang pernah ada.

Avast Pro Antivirus 5.0
Avast! Pro saat ini memiliki fitur terbaru, seperti browsing sandbox dan deteksi heuristik yang canggih, serta desain tampilan yang ramping. Harganya $39.95. Sayangnya, Avast kehilangan beberapa fitur, contohnya antiphishing yang dapat ditemukan dalam program antivirus lain.

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